Grimport functions

abs ( number number )
actionClose ( closure action )
actionError ( closure action )
actionHttpError ( closure action )
actionHttpRedirect ( closure action )
actionScriptEnd ( closure action )
activeFlexibleComparaison ( boolean trueOrFalse )
add ( object element )
addAttributeCacheEntry ( string name , string id , string combinationId )
addCategoryCacheEntry ( string name , string id , string parentId , string path )
addCombinationCacheEntry ( string name , string id )
addCookie ( string name , string value , string _url )
addFeatureCacheEntry ( string name , string id )
addFeatureValueCacheEntry ( string name , string id , string featureId )
addLink ( string link , int _depth )
addProduct ( string productName , mixed productPrice , string url , string _reference , string _productImage , string _productQuantity , mixed _additionalInformation )
alert ( string _message , string _title )
allowCommandSending ( )
amazonS3Upload ( string accessKey , string secretKey , string bucketName , string amazonPath , string localPath , string _zone )
antiCaptcha ( string apiKey , string type , map options )
arrayContains ( list/map array , object search , boolean[default:true] _byValue )
arrayDifferences ( array reference , array toCompare , boolean[default:true] _mirror )
arrayUnique ( array list )
asynchronous ( closure closure , object[] _params , int _nbOfThreads , string _id )
asynchronousWait ( string _id )
authByDigest ( array login , array password , string _url )
authNextHttpRequest ( array login , array password )
autres ( string _message , string _default_value , string _title )
await ( int milliseconds )
base64Decode ( string txt )
base64Encode ( string txt )
bbcodeToHtml ( string html )
blockCommandSending ( )
capitalize ( string txt , int _policy )
ceil ( number number )
changeProxy ( map arguments )
changeProxyOpenVPN ( int eachMinutes , string exePathOpenVPN , string default:home_page _pageForConnectionTest , array _dataTabForTest )
changeScriptPropertyAndSave ( map propertiesToChange , int _uniqueId )
chunk ( list/map list , int/object begin , int/object end )
cleanAllDuplicateProblems ( )
cleanBlanks ( string txt )
cleanFor ( string text , string _typeOfCleanning , int _maxCaracter )
cleanRegex ( string regex , string _subject , string _postProcessing , int _numberOfMask )
cleanRegexAll ( string regex , string _subject , string _postProcessing , int _numberOfMask )
cleanSelect ( string cssSelector , string _code , string _selection , string _postProcessing )
cleanSelectAll ( string cssSelector , string _code , string _selection , string _postProcessing )
clearAllCookies ( )
clearCookie ( string _urlDomain )
clearExcelCache ( )
clearMultiServerData ( string _id , string serverName )
clipboard ( )
clone ( object object )
confirm ( string _message , string _title , string[] _choices )
console ( string message , boolean[default:false] _withoutLineBreak , boolean[default:false] _displayThreadId )
contains ( object longString , object search )
containsRegex ( string regex , string _subject )
convertImage ( string pathImage , string[default:JPG] _outputFormat , string _outputPath )
copy ( string source , string destination )
count ( object object )
crop ( string pathImageOrigine , int x , int y , int width , int height , string _pathCroppedImage )
csv ( string path , string[] data , string _separator , string _quoteChar , string _escapeChar , string _encoding )
csvToArray ( string path , string _separator , string _lineEnd , string _encoding )
cutAtWord ( string txt , int nbChars )
dallEDescriptionToImage ( string decription , string api_key , string _size , string _model )
delete ( string path )
deleteObject ( string name )
displayCommands ( )
displayUrlCrawled ( )
distributeMultiServers ( mixed listOrElement , array[string] serverNameList , string _id , bool[default:false] _iterativeMode , map[string=>float] _serverCoefficients )
dontAddLinks ( )
download ( string url , string path , array[string] _data )
ean12ToEan13 ( string ean12 )
elementToArray ( string code )
equals ( object compare1 , object compare2 )
equalsIgnoreCase ( object compare1 , object compare2 )
evaluate ( string code )
excludeUrlsToVisit ( string regex )
extract ( string archivePath , string destinationFolder , string _type )
findAndValidateFinalLinksForQueue ( int|default:1 _nbTasks , regex _regexExclusion )
firefox ( string actionType , string _actionArgument1 , string _actionArgument2 , string _actionArgument3 )
floor ( number number )
formatDate ( string format , long timestamp , string _locale , boolean _returnObject )
formatPrice ( number number , string country )
ftpDownload ( string server , string login , string password , string pathOnServer , string pathOnDisk , int _port , string _protocol )
ftpList ( string server , string login , string password , string path , int _port , string _protocol )
ftpRemove ( string server , string login , string password , string path , int _port , string _protocol )
ftpUpload ( string server , string login , string password , string pathServer , string pathDisk , int _chmod , int _port , string _protocol )
function ( string function_name , array arguments )
functionNow ( string function_name , array arguments )
functionNowExternal ( array communicationLink , string function_name , array arguments )
functionStack ( list stack , string function_name , array arguments )
fuzzyRegex ( string regex , string _subject , float _threshold )
generateCombinations ( array ids_attributes_of_combination1 , array ids_attributes_of_combination2 , array ... )
generateCombinationsWithAttributeCodes ( array maps )
generateReference ( string _germ , int _size , int _base )
get ( array/map/list arrayOrMap , object indexLevel1 , object indexLevel2 , object ... )
getAllOptimizedParameters ( mixed _complete , string _idOptimSystem )
getAllRunningScripts ( )
getAttribute ( int combination_id , string search , boolean _isCloserSearch , boolean _returnList )
getAttributes ( )
getAttributesToCombinations ( )
getCategories ( )
getCategoriesPaths ( )
getCategory ( string search , boolean _usePath , boolean _isCloserSearch , boolean _returnList )
getCategoryChildren ( int id_category )
getCategoryIn ( string search , string idParentCategory , boolean _returnPath , boolean _isCloserSearch , boolean _returnList )
getCloudIdServer ( )
getCombination ( string search , boolean _isCloserSearch , boolean _returnList )
getCombinations ( )
getCookies ( string url )
getCookieValue ( string _url )
getCSRF ( string url , array[string] _data , string _referer )
getDepth ( )
getElementById ( string id )
getExtensionByMime ( string pathFileOnDisk , bool[default:false] isMimeString )
getFeature ( string search , boolean _isCloserSearch , boolean _returnList )
getFeatures ( )
getFeatureValue ( int feature_id , string search , boolean _isCloserSearch , boolean _returnList )
getFeatureValues ( )
getFValueToFeature ( )
getHeaders ( string url , array[string] _data , string _referer , bool[default:true] _allowsRedirect )
getHost ( string url )
getLaunchOptions ( )
getManufacturer ( string search , boolean _isCloserSearch , boolean _returnList )
getManufacturers ( )
getMimeFromUrl ( string url )
getNbCrawlingInProgess ( )
getNbGoogleResults ( string searchExpression , string[] _search_engine , string[default:en] _language , int[default:US] _country , closure _actionOnError , string _method )
getNumberOfUrlsToVisit ( )
getOrCreateCategory ( int idCategory , string categoryName , string parentCategoryID )
getOrCreateThreadObject ( string key , object _valNonExists )
getOrderAI ( string search , map list , boolean _isCloserSearch , boolean _returnList )
getPage ( string url , boolean _ignoreContentType , proxy _proxy , map[string:string] _httpHeaders , boolean _completeReturn )
getParentCategory ( int id_category )
getPerformanceStats ( )
getRegexUrlsExcluded ( )
getScriptProperty ( string property )
getSharedOnlineConfiguration ( string name , string _id )
getSupplier ( string search , boolean _isCloserSearch , boolean _returnList )
getSuppliers ( )
getTestValue ( )
getTimestampInitializationGrimport ( )
getUrlsToVisit ( )
getValuesOfFeature ( int id_feature )
getVariableOnAnotherCrawling ( int crawlingId , string variableName )
getVisitedUrls ( )
gptQuestion ( string decription , string _api_key , string _model , float _temperature , int _maxTokens , int[default:300sec] _timeout , bool[default:false] _debug , float[default:1] _delayBetweenRequests , int[default:2] _maxGenerations )
gzExtract ( string source , string destination )
hmacsha256 ( string key , string data )
htmlEntitiesEncode ( string text )
htmlToPrice ( string html , int _nbOfDecimal )
httpHeader ( string headerName , string headerValue , boolean _temporary )
httpHeaderClear ( )
ignoreSynchronize ( boolean trueOrFalse )
imapRead ( string mailServer , string login , string password , array _filterQuery , string|default:content _typeOfReturn , string|default:993 _port , array _options )
importFile ( string path )
importScript ( string idUnique , string _type )
indexOf ( string text , string toFind , int _fromIndex , bool[default:false] _fromEnd )
interact ( string script , long _maxDelay )
intersect ( array reference , array toCompare )
isArray ( object object )
isAttributeCode ( string attribute_code )
isCloud ( )
isEan13 ( string txt )
isEnd ( )
isFileExists ( string path , bool[default:false] _includeDir )
isFirst ( )
isGlobalDefined ( string variableName )
isGlobalVariableExists ( string variableName )
isLinux ( )
isMac ( )
isPeriodicLogin ( int frequency )
isWindows ( )
join ( array array , string _separator , default:true _nullIfEmptyString )
jsonDecode ( string jsonText , boolean _convertToMap )
jsonEncode ( object object )
keepJustDeepestCategories ( boolean onOrOff )
keyKicker ( object key )
keys ( map array )
listFiles ( string path , boolean[default:false] _returnCompletePath , boolean[default:false] _includeSubFolders , boolean[default:all] _filesAndDirs )
loadAllObjects ( bool|default:true _isDisplayWarning , string _pathFile )
loadOrCreateObject ( string name , object objectValueIfCreated , bool|default:true _isDisplayWarning , string _pathFile )
mail ( string email , string subject , string _message , list _attachments )
markAsVisited ( string url )
max ( object compare1 , object compare2 , object ... )
md5 ( string text )
md5File ( string path )
merge ( array_map list1 , array_map list2 , array_map ... )
min ( object compare1 , object compare2 , object ... )
mkdir ( string path )
move ( string source , string destination )
mutliFunctionNow ( array calls )
nl2br ( string text )
nowFormat ( string format , string _locale )
number ( string text , boolean|default:false _toInteger , boolean|default:true _canBeNegative )
numberOfRegex ( string regex , string _subject )
ocr ( string pathImage , string pathImageMagick , string _pathTesseract , string _debug )
openFile ( string path )
openUrl ( string url )
operation ( string operation )
optimizeConfiguredParameters ( closure costFunction , boolean _maximize , boolean _fastButLessAccurate , boolean _verboseReturn , map _hyperparameters , string _idOptimSystem )
optimizedParameter ( string parameterIdentifier , number _minimum , number _maximum , number _initial , number _initialStep , string _idOptimSystem , number _forceOptimizedValue )
parallelize ( list list , int nbThreads , closure method , int _verbose )
partitionImage ( string pathImageOrigine , int _blocHeight , int _blocWidth , boolean[default:true] _crop , int _pathFrameImage )
path ( string type )
pdfToImage ( int pdfPath , int _resolution[default:300] , string _imageDirectory )
permutations ( array array )
php ( string command )
phpBigCommandsByLine ( string commands , int _delay[default:100] )
phpNow ( string command )
phpNowJson ( string command )
post ( string url , map[string:string] _postData , boolean _activeComplexEncodingDetection , string _referer , proxy _proxy , map[string:string] _httpHeaders )
postBinary ( string url , map[string:string] postData , string path )
postBody ( string url , string body , string _contentType , proxy _proxy , map[string:string] _httpHeaders )
postFile ( string url , map[string:string] postData , map _files , array _files_names )
print ( string message , boolean[default:false] withoutLineBreak , boolean[default:false] displayThreadId )
prompt ( string _message , string _default_value , string _title )
put ( object key , object value )
python ( string script , bool[default:true] waitEndOfScript , long timeout )
random ( number maxNumber , boolean|default:false _isInt , number _minNumber )
randomUserAgent ( )
read ( string path )
readExcel ( string path , boolean isXLSXformat , int row , int column , int _sheet )
redirectionBehavior ( string behavior )
regex ( string regex , string _subject , int _numberOfMask )
regexAll ( string regex , string _subject , int _numberOfMask )
regexReallyAll ( string regex , string _subject , int _numberOfMask , bool[default:true] _afterEndOfMask )
reinsertUploadedImagesInDescription ( string description , string _pathOnYourServer )
relToAbsLink ( string relativeLink , string base )
remove ( object index )
removeAll ( object index )
removeElement ( string code , string cssSelector )
removeNoASCIIChars ( string text )
removeOtherTagsThan ( string code , array listOfTags , boolean _withInnerHTML )
removeProductsNotVisited ( )
removeTags ( string code , array listOfTags , boolean _withInnerHTML )
removeWatermark ( string orignalImage , string _destinationImage , array _minThresholdWatermark , array _maxThresholdWatermark , boolean _isHSV , int _radiusNeighboringPixels )
rename ( string source , string destination )
replace ( object longString , object search , object replace )
replaceAccents ( boolean text )
replaceCookieField ( string cookieFieldName , string value , string _url )
replaceInAllLinks ( string regex , string _toReplace )
replaceInAllLinksNow ( string regex , string _toReplace )
replaceRegex ( object longString , object regexSearch , object replace )
replaceRegexCallback ( object longString , object regexSearch , closure callback )
reportUrlsToVisit ( )
reportVisitedUrls ( )
resizeImage ( string orignalImage , mixed resizing , string _destinationImage , int _onlyIfHeightGreater , boolean _onlyIfWidthGreater )
reverse ( list/array list )
rotateImage ( string orignalImage , float angle , string _destinationImage , int _xRotationPoint , int _yRotationPoint )
roundAt ( number number , float[default:1] _precision )
runLauncher ( string launcherName )
runScript ( int idUniqueScript )
saveAllObjects ( int|default:1 _saveAllXiterations , string _pathFile )
saveObject ( string name , object _objectValue , int|default:1 _saveAllXiterations , string _pathFile )
saveProgression ( )
screenshot ( int _X , int _Y , int _height , int _width , string _path )
select ( string cssSelector , string _code , string _selection )
selectAll ( string cssSelector , string _code , string _selection )
send ( )
sendCommandLine ( string command , boolean[default:false] _waitAndRetrunResult , long _timeout )
sendNowCommandsInStack ( )
sendStack ( list stack )
separateByRegexStart ( string regex , string _code )
serialize ( object object )
serpGoogle ( string searchExpression , int[default:1] _page , string[] _search_engine , string _language , string _country , int[default:10] _numberOfResults , bool[default:true] _excludePDF , closure _actionOnError , string _method )
setBingAccess ( string bingClientId , string location )
setClipboard ( string text )
setCloudCode ( string text )
setCookie ( string url , array[string] _data , string _referer , int _frequency_refresh , string _method )
setCookieBody ( string url , string body , string _referer , int _frequency_refresh , string _method )
setCookieFile ( string url , array[string] _data , string _referer , int _frequency_refresh , map _files , array _files_names )
setCookieValue ( string cookieSetValue , string _url , boolean _reuseOldCookies )
setDeeplAccess ( string apiKey )
setEndpointResponse ( mixed responseValue , string _format )
setFrenglyAccess ( string email , string login )
setFrequencySending ( int frequency )
setGlobal ( string varName , string _objectToSet )
setGoogleAccess ( string token )
setLaunchOptions ( string options )
setMaxDepth ( int maxDepth )
setRegexUrlsExcluded ( string regex , boolean[default:false] _isKeepExpression )
setSharedOnlineConfiguration ( string name , string value , string _id )
setThreadObject ( string key , object value )
setTimeout ( int timeout )
setUserAgent ( string newUserAgent )
setYandexAccess ( string yandexKey )
shopifySQLRequest ( string graphQLrequest )
shuffle ( list/array list )
signedNumber ( string text , boolean|default:false _toInteger )
sizeInOctets ( object object )
sleep ( int milliseconds )
soapRequest ( string urlEndPoint , string xmlns , string soapAction , map entry , string _loginPass )
sort ( list list , bool[default:true] ascending , bool byKey )
split ( string textToExplode , string|default:',' _separator )
splitRegex ( string textToExplode , string|default:',' _regex )
splitSentence ( string html , int _nbOfCaraters )
sql ( string query )
sqlEscape ( object toInsert )
sqlQuery ( string driver , string urlOfConnection , string login , string password , string _sqlQuery , string|default:execute _returnType )
ssh ( string server , string login , string password , string command , int _port , boolean[default:false] _x11 , boolean[default:true] _waitReturn , int[default:300] _maxDelayWaitReturn )
standardizeText ( string text , mixed _typeOfStandardization )
stopAndClose ( )
straightenImage ( string orignalImage , string _destinationImage , double _reduction , string _debugImage , int _lineFactor , int _threshold1 , int _threshold2 )
stripTags ( string html )
strPad ( string text , int length , string padCar , string _padDirection )
substring ( string txt , int indexBegin , int _indexEnd )
synchronize ( object/string locker , closure method )
synchronizeAllCrawlers ( object/string locker , closure method )
tableToArray ( string htmlOfTheTable )
textualSimilarity ( string compare1 , string compare2 )
threadId ( )
timestamp ( )
toLowerCase ( string txt )
toString ( object obj1 , object obj2 , object ... )
toUpperCase ( string txt )
transformDate ( string txtDate , string formatFrom , string formatTo , string _localeFrom , string _localeTo )
translateBing ( string text , string from , string to )
translateDeepl ( string text , string from , string to , boolean[default:false] _useFreeApi )
translateFrengly ( string text , string from , string to )
translateGoogle ( string text , string from , string to )
translateMyMemory ( string text , string from , string to )
translateYandex ( string text , string from , string to )
trim ( string txt )
trimCaracter ( string txt , string caracterToTrim )
trimRegex ( string txt , string regex , string|default:(?si) flags )
trimWithTags ( string txt )
try_ ( )
type ( object object )
universalCaptchaSolver ( string/array screenPosition , string/method checkerIsSolved , string _instructions , boolean[default:false] _testYourself , closure _actionBetweenSolvingTry , int _timeout , int[default:25] _maxSolvingTry , float _zoom , boolean _preventFingersEvents , int _timeoutTask )
updateCategories ( string _idLang )
updateCombinations ( string _idLang )
updateFeatures ( string _idLang )
updateManufacturers ( string _idLang )
updateSuppliers ( string _idLang )
upload ( string filepathOnYourDisk , string _pathOnYourServer , boolean|default:false _returnPathOnServer )
urlDecode ( string textOrUrl , boolean _excludeHttpCaracters )
urlEncode ( string textOrUrl , boolean _excludeHttpCaracters , boolean _use%20insteadOf+ )
useClosureToExcludeLinks ( closure closure )
utf8Decode ( string text )
utf8Encode ( string text )
values ( map array )
waitAndgetMultiServerData ( string serverName , string _id , bool[default:false] _dontWait )
waitDelay ( float delay , string locker )
write ( string path , string text )
writeCacheToExcelFile ( string pathOrigine , boolean isXLSXformat , boolean _pathDestination )
writeEnd ( string path , string text )
writeInExcelCache ( string path , boolean isXLSXformat , object valueToWrite , int row , int column , int _sheet , boolean[default:true] _forceCellType )
zipExtract ( string zipPath , string destinationFolder )