
changeScriptPropertyAndSave ( map propertiesToChange , int _uniqueId ) : string

Change some properties in a script and save the script.
Your Script Editor must be openned to do this operation.


changeScriptPropertyAndSave(["url":""], 123456)



The list of all properties to change in this format:
• name = name of the script
• url = main url of the script
• active = is the script is activated?
• regexFilterUrls = regex you configured to exclude some URLs
• idScript = ID of the script in your website
• uniqueId = unique ID of the script generated by Grimport Crawler (usefull for the Cloud)
• delayBetweenRequests = the delay (ms) between each HTTP requests
• httpAgent = HTTP Agent of the script
• maxUrl = maximum number of URLs to crawl
• cookieMode = the mode you select to follow cookies
• nbTasks = number of parallel tasks
• order = order in the analysis
• name = name of the script
• deepness = maximum deepness
• saveProgessionEachXUrls = parameter Make a progess backup every X urls visited
• isSynchronized = synchronize your script
• initialScript = the INITIAL script
• forPageScript = the FORPAGE script
• finalScript = the FINAL script

_uniqueId (optional)

The unique ID of the script. If nothing is set, it do this operation on the current script.